The Sphinx (1933)
Worth seeing but the film made a few mistakes that could have been avoided.
20 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In "The Sphinx", Lionel Atwill is accused of murder. However, he has a very good alibi and is deaf and couldn't have done it. But, who did?! And, since he's the only possible killer, pressure is put on him to come clean--admit he can hear and that he somehow committed the crime.

During the witness stand scene, Atwill and his 'interpreter' actually did a bunch of gibberish--not any real sort of sign language. This was the first mistake and it wouldn't have been that hard for him to learn a little sign language for the film. Second, since Atwill had already begun his career of playing villains, the audience knows he's the killer--and there isn't much suspense. Third, the entire ending is muddled. Instead of the police learning about why the crime was committed, Atwill goes off on a long exposition--explaining all the missing pieces in the plot!!! This is pretty sloppy and seemed tacked on--like an afterthought! So, you can correctly assume I wasn't fond of the screen writing and with a few changes it could have been a pretty god murder mystery. As is, it looks like the poverty row production that it really is.

Not terrible, but it should have been better.
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