Poirot: The Mystery of the Spanish Chest (1991)
Season 3, Episode 8
Very Interesting and unusual
16 June 2011
A man who is in love with his friend Mr Clayton's wife plants thought's into Mr Clayton's head that his wife is unfaithful. He taunts him for months and convinces Mr Clayton to catch his wife by planting himself in a Spanish Chest at the house of the man she supposed to be cheating with a Colonel Curtiss'. Mr Curtiss is having a house party Clayton's wife is attending. The following day Mr Clayton turns up dead in the Spanish Chest in Colonel Curtiss' house. Hard to believe. Who would get in a casket like chest to catch their wife.

The lady that plays Mrs Clayton, Caroline Langrishe looks so much like Princess Diana of Wales, very beautiful, same kind of eyes. She probably could play the part of the Princess in a movie or play.

Anyway, I love the Poirot series and his side kicks, Inspector Japp and Hastings are always fun to watch. Miss Lemon was not in this episode
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