The Twilight Zone: The Jeopardy Room (1964)
Season 5, Episode 29
very Illogical
15 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is unusual in that nothing supernatural happens and the ending is quite predictable. Because the villain is so villainous, everything points to the fact the villain will be foist on his own petard in the final seconds.

All kinds of maddeningly improbable things happen to allow for the "surprise" ending.

The hero has the drop on the villain. The villain chattily announces to is going to kill the hero, but the hero does not take advantage of the situation, even though the villain had previously tortured him for months.

The hero voluntarily drinks obviously poisoned wine offered by the villain, even though there is no benefit to doing so.

There is all manner of gunfire, yet the hotel management never call the police to investigate.

The villain explains that something in the room is booby trapped, yet the hero stomps about ripping the room to pieces taking no care to look for the booby trap.

The hero knows the position of the shooter, but takes no advantage of that to escape.

The hero never calls for help. etc. etc. etc.

I have no trouble with strained credulity with science fiction stories, but with this I did, since there was no acknowledgement that the characters were behaving very strangely for no apparent reason.
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