Take the time to pray right now that you get to see this someday.
10 June 2011
As this movie is difficult to see at the moment I thought I would right a review. Hold On Loosely is a hilarious movie. I have not laughed as hard as I did at anything since "Mystery Team" Hold On Loosely, absurd, irreverent, unflinching, outlandish, just perfection. Michelle Nunes reminded me of when Tiffany Amber Theisen was a hottie but Michelle is a revaluation! Because not only is she righteously hot in HOL, she is really funny too.

Other standouts include Kevin Brennan with a Lebowski worthy Winston, Timm Perry's gut busting turn as Cheese, Rus Gutins smooth flow of low life gangster life, Tamara Zook making everything you have ever seen on Springer seem tame and David Poggi killing it in what I am sure is the first depiction on an Alpaca Mafia Cappo. All these wild personalities are held together by a flawless Travis Parker who has many plates to keep spinning.

Speaking of spinning plates, I had a chance to talk to the director Josh Cole, and he assured me that all the comedic mayhem in the film was scripted. If true, someone needs to give this guy 10 million dollars to make his next pic, so he can tighten up the ship a little bit and iron out a few wrinkles next time around. Actually that sounds a bit harsher than I intended because Mr. Cole did a remarkable job and deserves way more praise than one review can dish out.
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