Stargate: Atlantis: The Daedalus Variations (2008)
Season 5, Episode 4
Outsmarting themselves
11 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this episode. Even though there have already been several trips to alternate realities, The Daedalus Variations cranks the concept up several notches. Even though everything takes place within the limited space of the ship, it really takes us new places. (Incidentally, it feels a lot like SGU to me).

The plot is brilliant in its (relative) simplicity. After the initial mystery concerning the ship's origin, the pace picks up and never lets down till the end, taking the viewer through a real roller-coaster of fascinating situations, intriguing settings and riveting action scenes. And speaking of roller-coasters... when you think you've finally gotten the hang of it, McKay suddenly announces that from now on it will go even faster --but backwards! And even though character development is clearly not the main point of the episode, it still provides some interesting interplay, particularly reminding us of why Teyla was such an asset to the team.
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