Fresh flesh control.
9 June 2011
I loved slime city so I was really looking forward to Slime city massacre. The sequel is set in a post dirty bomb New York where the authorities have left the people of the city to fend for themselves. We follow a group of four survivors who stumble upon the 'Elixir' and 'Himalayan yogurt' from the first movie. Upon finding it they consume it and succumb to it's side effects which include horniness, melting and homicidal tendencies due to being possessed by ancient cult members souls.

During all this we are treated to flashbacks of the cult where we get a better understanding of how and why it all started. If your a fan of the original or any of Lambersons other movies you'll be pleased to see a lot of familiar faces.

The film itself is really well acted and the effects are great. The only effect I didn't like was the dirty bomb explosion at the beginning because it looked terrible. The slime looked great and all the gore effects were really well done considering the budget this film must have had. I was disappointed that the Slimehead versions of our main characters weren't used enough because they looked really cool. Each having their own neon coloured slime and facial prosthetics. They could have also been a little more murderous as the main character was in the original movie.

I do have a few complaints though. Some of the editing was quite jarring, some scenes flowed awkwardly into others. Also a couple of the characters were a bit pointless. The mole people for example are shown twice once near the start and once at the end they just seemed to be little redundant. These few criticism are all I have of the movie as a whole.

The ending was slimeily satisfying and was a great finale to a worthy sequel to slime city. The Slime has been appeased.
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