Boys Will Be Boys
7 June 2011
I am a huge fan of the brains of Merchant/Grevais and so that is why I ordered this little Indy-gem from Netflix a few weeks ago and I was delighted. I did not really know what to expect from this film, but I found my self laughing a lot and it turned a rainy Satarday night indoors into a fun time.

The story is set around three young lads growing up in the swinging 1970s in England. But, this is not the England that is often portrayed as roaring and influential as one who think, it the 1970's rural town that has one night club, few pubs, and the quintessential factory that ALL young lads usually end up in their whole life.

Bruce (played by a amazing Tom Hughes) is without a doubt the soul of this story. He is tough, sexy and a wild boy from start to finish who learns, perhaps the most valuable lesson in life- that sometimes youth does not bring all the answers. His two buddies, Snork (nickname that is instantly referenced too and equally awesome) and Freddie. If Bruce is the soul of the film, then Freddie is the heart and Snork is the constant. Freddie, dreams of being better then his father and ending up in a factory job his whole life- this is the plot throughout the film, but it is almost the back story- the catalyst for all the other minor stories. Freddie, played by Christian Cook reminds me of the Indy-version of Robert Pattinson, with boyish looks, charm and heart that really makes you root for him. I instantly liked him, but for me the best performance is Hughes and I am looking forward to his roles in the future.

The minor characters in the film are also authentic and lovely. Ralph Finnes as the go-to-rich business man plays the ass without over doing it. I love him in everything he does and he was just perfect for this film. Emily Watson, as his wife plays such a role that is heart-breaking and he does it with pose and grace that- just wow. Ricky Gervais, as Freddie's father, is also perfect. He has a conversation with his mother-in-law who lives with him and his wife, that I swear I had to grab some tissues to wipe the happy tears from my eyes and then re-watch it again. Felicity Jones is sweet as the young girl with a world full of dreams that stands as the love interest for Freddie. She was likable and over all a breath of fresh air in the film.

Cemetery Junction wraps the dreams, naivety, loss, gain, love, hate that comes with being young. The music is excellent and the clothes just add to the flavor of the film. It is as if, I was along for the ride with these boys and it was enjoyable.

An amazing heart-filled film, laughable moments that will not soon be forgotten, and time well spent in Cemetery Junction.
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