Make a Wish (2002 Video)
It should have been a lot better
7 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
For fans of the slasher genre, this film has it all, so how did it go so horribly wrong? All the elements are there - a killing to set the stage; a jealous boyfriend; a weird hunter with a crossbow; six hot lesbians under canvas with the prospect of girl-on-girl action; it is very much slasher by numbers but the numbers don't add up.

(SPOILERS ahead) The film starts well enough when we realise that there is a maniac on the loose. Then the main characters are introduced so we meet the friends and lovers of Susan, who is hosting the birthday party in the woods. This is where it all breaks down. Although the action seems to take place in a very confined area, no-one hears shouts and screams from people nearby and at night, lights from cars and campfires seem invisible. The worst aspect comes near the end when the identity of the killer is revealed and with a further revelation, the viewer realises that he/she has been led up the garden path.

The quality of the film as a whole leaves a lot to be desired. It looks low-budget and the acting is a bit mediocre. There is a bit of lesbian kissing and the nude scenes look to have been done using body-doubles. There is nothing to recommend in this film so only 1 star.
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