Quo Vadis (1951)
Grand visual spectacle, magnificent score and solid performances make this worth watching
7 June 2011
Quo Vadis is a good movie, but I personally don't consider it a truly great one. I did find some of the religious aspects over-bearing, some of the script rather stilted(Petronious' philosophical lines excepted) and a little rambling and bloated in the story and pace. Problems aside, Quo Vadis is a film of visual spectacle and grandeur. You can never go wrong with sweeping cinematography, lavish scope, sets and scenery and colourful costumes and Quo Vadis succeeds in all these areas. Mervyn LeRoy directs excellently, while Miklos Rosza's score is absolutely magnificent. The performances are solid, Robert Taylor does a good job playing it straight and isn't too dull and Deborah Kerr is as ravishing as ever, but it is Leo Genn playing Petronious more than admirably and especially a superb Peter Ustinov as Nero that walk away with the picture. All in all, a solid film albeit not one without its flaws. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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