Zombie Undead (2010)
I am 36 years of age and have never seen worse
6 June 2011
I managed to watch this for 40 minutes only... and that was with a great deal of determination and hope that things would improve.

I know that there are many ugly fat stupid people all over every country, but I do not want to watch and listen to these people in a movie. I am sure somewhere along the line, people thought they were bringing a touch of realism to this genre, but it is only realistic if sheer bad luck saw a bunch of absolute no hope reprobates thrown into this situation.

If I wanted to be exposed to this kind of human idiocy, I would watch reality TV or British Soap Operas.

This film has no redeeming features whatsoever. Not a single endearing character, not one funny moment or even the slightest bit of insight or commentary on people exposed to this kind of disaster.

I have used IMDb for some eight or more years now, and have never felt the need to share my opinion strongly enough to sign up and authenticate and account.

Please watch something else. Watch ANYTHING else!

EVERY single person out there owes it to the rest of humanity, to NOT encourage the people responsible for this movie to ever do anything like it again.
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