The Simpsons: Mountain of Madness (1997)
Season 8, Episode 12
"Mountain of Madness" is a wildly psychological episode. It revolves around two men being driven insane from being locked into a cabin.
5 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Burns calls all the nuclear power plant employees, pairing them up and orchestrating a race to the cabin at the top of the mountain. The last one there is supposed to be fired! And so, everyone is paired up and starts climbing. Burns is paired with Homer by dumb luck... which means Homer is on his team and won't have to worry about being fired. Of course, Burns cheats using a snowmobile to quickly reach the cabin. After they do reach the cabin, they make a little too much noise... which creates avalanche after avalanche... trapping Burns and Homer together in the cabin... without any help. Soon, they are both driven rather insane from being out of contact with others. They build a few snowmen in the cabin and dress them up in their clothes... and begin staring at the snowmen, communicating to them out of insanity and hallucinations. Out of paranoia, they both viciously attack each other and ignite the propane tank in the cabin, launching them out of the snow and to relative safety. Well written... in the sense that we explore how man can be driven mad when placed in a life-threatening situation.
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