Review of Ordeal

The Name of the Game: Ordeal (1968)
Season 1, Episode 10
Nick of Time phone call rescue...?
3 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert !

A 'Robert Stack' Segment episode.

Crime Magazine Editor Dan Farrell (Robert Stack) becomes involved in a seemingly cut and dried murder case of a woman named Linda Ramsey (Jessica Walter - of 'Play Misty For Me' fame) who ruthlessly gunned down her husband one night claiming she thought it was a prowler....

While all the evidence, and some considerable and convincing court testimony from both the woman's family and close friends points to her unquestionably being guilty....Farrell, bit by bit, as he investigates, becomes convinced of Linda's innocence...Farrell uncovers an involved staged crime and a tightly spun web involving jealous relatives, hatred, drugs, and vast wealth...

Could Linda Ramsey really be an innocent woman about to be executed on Death Row....the victim of a complex and deep rooted set up...???

This compelling episode has a nail biting ending as Linda is being strapped into the Gas Chamber for her Execution...

HER face duly ending up on the cover of the next issue of 'CRIME' Magazine.

Series Note: Gene Barry makes a brief cameo appearance 'as Glenn Howard' in this 'Robert Stack' segment episode.
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