A Superb Film !!!!
30 May 2011
Kissed by the Devil is a superb Mello Dramatic Drama that was very well written with "Great Production" and excellent Film Work. It mainly depicts how a family can suffer from secrets that have been held from other family members due to shame or pure disgust! The main characters Oakland Davenport portrayed by Khadijah Karriem and Michael Davenport portrayed by Shaun Baker gave rave performances. Oakland works hard to make a living,she is the care taker of her sick bother and visits her father every weekend who is on death row. Oakland however is constantly seeking the truth from her father & her brother regarding secret that keeps them bound. This story holds true in the lives of a lot of families, mainly Afro-American families. This is a must see film that will keep you wondering on your toes until the very end. I really enjoyed watching it and I can't wait to see the movie extended and shown in Movie Theaters world wide. Great job- M.Legend Brown!!!!
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