Excellent Exposition
24 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Though not 100% an objective documentary, it comes pretty darn close.

Despite its socialist leanings (think the very informative, but leftist-socialist biased Global Research) AND the slightly heavier pro-Serb leanings, it is a very good film. This coming from a Croat.

One glaring fault, for example, is the producer's astounding inaccurate statement at around the 50 minute mark where he says the Croatian "Operation Storm" killed between 2,000 and 250,000 Serbs!!! This is insane and completely ridiculous. I listened to it again to confirm. What had happened was the exile of between 100,000 - 250,000 Serbs, with perhaps up to 2,000 dead. Furthermore, I feel the Serb massacres were downplayed, even though they were used by the West to paint the Serbs as the bad guys.

This was just an excuse for NATO intervention and to build it into a global police force (to serve under the United Nations world government).

A much needed documentary examining the events accurately, where what I knew all along, that the "West" (aka New World Order) sought to break up this union and stir up the people, paving the way for three power hungry leaders (and so here Tudjman and Izetbegovic were singled out more than Milosevic who was equally hungry in his drive for a Greater Serbia).

Overall, an excellent expose of what happened, if not the best! Who were the greatest culprits with the most blood on their hands? Washington and beyond that, the globalists. Now we all need to unite and fight these evil bastards!
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