The movie " The Killing of Rany Webster was not a true portrayal
22 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was actually not a true portrayal of the real facts of the case. To find out most of the true facts, you have to read the law suit that was filed in Houston and appealed to the US 5th Circuit of Appeals. I personally knew Randy, his family and his friends and ended up a brother-in-law to Randy's older brother. Randy was a good kid who was influenced by someone.

The truth is that the Houston police officer Mays hit Randy in the back of the head. Mays knew that Randy had no weapon because Randy exited the van with his hands held high and his fingers spread apart to show that e had no weapon. Randy grabbed the back of his hurt head with his right hand. Randy was on the ground with his hand on his head. At that point, Houston Officer Mays, in cold blooded murder, shot Randy through his hand and then the bullet went into the back of his head which killed Randy. Then the police used what is called a "throw down" which at that time was a common practice within the Houston Police Department.

The law suits can be found at: United States v. Mays, 470 F. Supp. 642 - Dist. Court, SD Texas 1979 Webster v. City of Houston, 689 F. 2d 1220 - Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit 1982 Webster v. City of Houston, 735 F. 2d 838 - Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit 1984 Webster v. City of Houston, 739 F. 2d 993 - Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit 1984

---------------------------------- This was a senseless killing of a 17 years old boy that had no criminal record and was murdered because of cop was mad. Randy definitely should not have broke the law, but for a police officer to shoot a boy that was already down on the ground in extreme pain from Officer Danny Mays that hit him in the back of the head which was presumably the officers firearm, Danny Mays should have been charged with murder.

The result of this senseless murder was that Mays lost a federal law suit. He was charged in Federal Court with violating Randy's civil right, "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit" of Happiness. In addition, he could never be a police officer again. There may have been more, but I can not recall. That is basically what I remember as it was many years ago. The movie was much less dramatic that the actual facts. So was the way the court reporter reported within the US 5th Circuit of Appeals.

With this in mind, please watch the movie and think of the aforementioned.
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