The Office: Search Committee (2011)
Season 7, Episode 24
Robert California (James Spader) Give Him The Job
21 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I had really high expectations for Search Committee. The episode itself was good but not really up to scratch for a final episode of The Office. That being said, like every other episode I really enjoyed it.

I now think the real focus of attention will be who is going to be the new boss, and for me only one interviewee really stood out and that was Robert California played by James Spader. He was such a strong character with a really strong presence. In my opinion he really stole the episode and has got massive potential. I would certainly not be disappointed to see Will Ferrell back as Deangelo Vickers, who I thought appeared in one of the funniest Office scenes ever with his motivational juggling in The Inner Circle episode.

I was not really that impressed by any of the other candidates. I've read articles mentioning Katherine Tate is a front runner. I think it would be an absolute disaster if she became boss so I hope the articles are wrong.

Looking forward to next season
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