Friends: The One with the Rumor (2001)
Season 8, Episode 9
No Love
20 May 2011
This just re-run on TV for approximately the zillionth time. But even after all the viewings over almost 10 years, it hasn't lost any of its greatness. This is without a doubt one of the best Friends episodes ever.

While not perfect (in the sense that, for instance, Monty Python and the Holy Grail - at the time of writing, the 73rd best film of all time in the IMDb Top 250 - is perfect), this is a remarkable achievement. Since too much analysis takes the fun out of fun, the following are just some of the things that make this episode *great*.

Great script. From the first scene to the last, constantly delivering laughs, which is not as easy as one might think. "The Rumor" is just one of the sources of humor here. The fact that there are none of the usual The Central Perk scenes and that Brad's character is the only one besides the regulars here demands some witty dialog, and fortunately there is plenty on offer.

Proper use of the Special Celebrity Guest Star. Sure, it adds another layer that at the time, in real life, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were married and the writers did a really good job in using that to their advantage. More importantly, unlike some celebrity guests, Brad is given a great character to play and he delivers a killer performance. Some have not been given a great character and some celebrities have just phoned in their performance. Even more importantly, Brad's character does *not* steal the spotlight from the regulars.

In the end, all this amounts to a well-deserved 9/10. The only thing missing is something *special*, something permanent, happening to make this episode truly Classic.
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