Review of Thor

Thor (2011)
Thor(2011) Mighty FX, Not So Special Storyline...
18 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Thor starts out with terrific action, brief background set-up, and spectacular special effects,but after Thor's(Chris Hemsworth) banishment to Earth , the story gets weak,the action slows down, and there are more set-ups than you can imagine. Although the pacing is good, more Thor action is demanded and necessary.

Odin is recovering and incapacitated from betrayal by step-son Loki. Thor is on Earth , and Loki seizes the opportunity to become King,which had originally to have been Thors birthright.

Kenneth Branagh directs, and does a good job ,treating Thor as Henry V, many trials and tribulations. This helps give the character depth and realism. Jane Foster(Natalie Portman) is fine as the earthly love interest . In this version of Marvel comics she is a scientific explorer . Finally toward the end of the film , Thor recovers his powers,though a totally unselfish act, and the storyline picks up.

One thing of note, MANY artists built the Marvel Franchise, not just the few given credit. As always, Stan Lee gets top billing , but this should not confuse the issue that the Artists drove the comics, not the stories. While Stan Lee may think he is Odin, I can guarantee you he is not. When Jack Kirby couldn't get health insurance due to costs, it was time to say goodbye. Joe Sinnott , another EXTREMELY talented artist was COMPLETELY snubbed by Marvel, and they will never get another dime out of me. I have had enough of their partisan, selfish views, and Stan Lee can rot in Hell., Marvel hell to be sure. 8 out of 10 stars, for showing the world that special effects and a comic-book storyline can drive a film, but it was created by the sweat off of the backs of the ORIGINAL artists. Nuff' said.
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