Review of Lifebomb

Tales from the Darkside: Lifebomb (1985)
Season 2, Episode 2
Dead like Me
11 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** workaholic Ben Martin, Bill Macy, can't find time for anything else as enjoyable in his life but his work running his import export business. Working day and night with no days off or time for his wife Lianne, Samantha Harper, or children whom he hasn't seen in years Ben is literary working himself into an early grave.

It's one day when high pressure life insurance salesman Harry Harris, Robert Riesel, barges into his office with a proposition, or insurance policy, that seems to be too good to be true that the on the brink heart attack victim starts to take notice of his deteriorating health condition. Offering Ben a "Lifebomb" after demonstrating it on himself Harris soon gets Bens attention when he almost drops dead from heart failure a few days later.

With the "Lifebomb" strapped on him Ben now feels that he can abuse his health and not worry about losing, by suddenly dying, it. Ben's wife Lianne who thought that this life saving contraption would improve her and Ben's love life was sadly disappointed in him working even harder and longer hours then he even did before he got it! Ben even suffered an impending heart attack when he lost it, in Lianne nagging him for some attention, and let Lianne have it but the "Lifebomb" ended up saving his life!

***SPOILERS*** As Ben soon finds out his attention to his work starts to take a toll on his health despite the lifesaving "Lifebomb" he has strapped to his body. Yes it keeps him alive but doesn't cure him of the heart attacks he suffers while wearing it! It also doesn't save his marriage to Lianne who walks out on him after taking all she could from Ben and his 12am to 12pm, 24 hour around the clock, work schedule! Ben now dead but still alive, on life support, with nothing to look froward in his life but but pills tubes and needles to keep him going finally realizes what a mess he made of himself his family and even his business! That by not taking it easy every once and a while and enjoying the life that he now wishes he'd lose but can't courtesy of his life saving "Lifebomb".
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