Sleep inducing bore
8 May 2011
Terrible "horror" movie about photographer Mario (Cihangir Gaffari) going out to take pictures of a mountain believed to be haunted by witches. He (inexplicably) picks up a girl along the way named Delia (Patty Shepard) who happily agrees to go along with him. They get to the mountain and find out that there might be witches who do NOT like their territory invaded.

VERY slow-moving, incomprehensible and endless movie. There are countless sequences of people walking around or doing things that go on forever! The bad dubbing doesn't help and the DVD print I saw was of such poor quality that I couldn't make out WHAT was going on at times. The story (sort of) makes sense at the end and picks up a little by I was so utterly bored by that point I could have cared less. Also if you're watching for gore or nudity...forget it. There isn't any. I can't really judge the acting because they were dubbed but it seemed OK. However Gaffari has a HUGE mustache on that was distracting. Back in the early 1970s that was in style but it seems pretty stupid today. This was one of the many Mexican films sold directly to American TV...and one of the worst. Rightfully obscure. You can skip this one.
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