Nice Look at Producing the Scorsese Classic
1 May 2011
Producing Taxi Driver (2007)

*** (out of 4)

Nice interview with producer Michael Phillips who discusses his early career and how he got involved with the production of Martin Scorsese's TAXI DRIVER. Phillips talks about how he got into the business and a meeting he had with Brian DePalma who turned him onto the screenplay by Paul Schrader. Phillips discusses how no one wanted to touch the picture and how thankfully everyone went off and did their own thing to where Columbia agreed to do the picture. Scorsese of course did MEAN STREETS, DeNiro won an Oscar for THE GODFATHER PART II and Phillips brought the studio CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND. The producer goes into various aspects of the production including be able to shoot in NYC, which kept the studio off their back some and we also get a brief idea of what the picture might have been like in someone else's hands. The interview lasts just under 15-minutes but it's quite entertaining as Phillips gives one a good idea of what one must do to produce a film and how important this "baby" was to him.
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