Poignant, Powerful and Haunting Little Movie
30 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that I was very impressed with this low budget Brit movie. When I say 'low budget' incidentally, please don't take this the wrong way and imagine an amateur production with game but low quality cast and poor production values. The cast I thought was excellent, a couple of faces I recognised but otherwise largely unknown to me. The two young leads put in top class performances. The storyline unfolds at a fair pace and the setting – a coastal caravan park/holiday camp – convincing and authentic. I have stayed in such places in my childhood and the movie catches the slightly unreal 'every day a holiday' atmosphere convincingly. One reviewer felt that the movie insulted residents of such places but I didn't see this at all – the people came across to me as pretty much ordinary people for better and worse, which is what they are. The plot develops in a way that was unexpected to me with a shocking twist in the tail. Implausible? Some of the stories that you read in the newspapers are far more bizarre and unlikely, shocking things do happen sadly.

Something I find really gratifying about such films is that they prove again that you don't need to spend massive amounts of money on high profile stars and CGI effects to create a really good film. If you get the basics right – talented cast, competent direction and photography and above all else, a decent script/storyline – you can create a memorable and entertaining movie. This is something that French cinema has shown us many times but Brit and US movie makers can pull this off also. Of course a problem with movies such as this is that they don't get the distribution of the big movies, so you'll probably have trouble tracking it down. Keep an eye on the satellite/cable schedules and hope it appears!
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