Drop Squad (1994)
Good acting bad racist movie
19 April 2011
I liked the good actors in the movie, but the movie itself was just another racist movie. Trying to blame American Whites for the stupidity, race-genocide and lack of progress of American Blacks. I fought my way to survive in the world from the age of 12 when I moved from home to a big city and became a programmer. That was 52 years ago. I fought for the rights of WOMEN, no matter their ace. I still remember what it was like to take off that !@$@!!! girdle and wire-rimmed bra and throw them into the garbage, never again to wear such contrivances until my 50s when my b**bies 'requested' support, but then I was smart enough not to wear wire-rimmed bras but 'sports' bras.

So the guy is an ad executive and that somehow is a crime. He wouldn't have pushed stereotyping if the customers didn't want it.

But for years now I have known the truth about racism. It is American Blacks who perpetuate it by blaming whites for things WE never did. WE do not hold back blacks, WE do not MURDER blacks, WE do not impregnate black women and 'force' them to go on welfare. If I can survive on my own from 12 on, so can ANYbody. Granted I'm smarter than 99.5% of the world, oh well, still God gifts His/Her children equally, in one way or the other. Get over your 'poor little me' agenda, we ALL face stereotyping and prejudices, the worst one is pretending that MEN rule the world. NO ONE rules the world, the world 'just is' and we are nothing more than parasites living on its crust.
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