More fun than its current rating would seem to indicate.
13 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In many ways, this film seems a lot like a British version of an Abbott & Costello or Bob Hope comedy. The structure, plot and irreverent references to Hollywood and the current world are much like a Hope film and the plot is a lot like "Abbott & Costello Go To Mars" (which came out in the 1950s). But, even more than the American versions, this one is chock full of music--something that does get in the way of the plot now and then. But, the main plot idea is so original that I had to admire the film.

A British Air Force plane is shot down and the crew (including goofy Arthur Askey) end up bailing out onto an island of luscious Amazons. What has happened to all the island's men? Well, after marrying, men are only allowed to live and 'do their duty' for two months--then they are required to kill themselves! The newbies don't know this and love all the attention from the pretty girls (who, oddly, have VERY current hairstyles on this otherwise rather primitive island). And, when they do learn the truth, it appears to be too late for at least one of them.

I liked the film when it made fun of itself and Hollywood. It poked gentle fun at itself quite often--and this tended to make up for the lulls and singing. Well worth seeing--and not a film that deserved the current score of 4.2.
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