It has a ton of potential, people just need to see that.
13 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The mind of the Serial Killer is a complicated one. And we cannot forget that this is what these shows are about. While Criminal Minds is probably one of the most intriguing and well organized series out there, we have to remember way back to the first couple of episodes.

I've done some soul searching as of late and have re-watched the first couple episodes of the first season of Criminal Minds. I've come to the conclusion that while the subject matter of Criminal Minds was interesting, I was just thrown into the characters in the first season. I knew little to nothing about them, but slowly, I was given little bits and pieces. And then we got the second season and BAM, there were the characters we care so much about now.

With this being said, Suspect Behavior has aired a grand total of 9 episodes. How can so many people come to hate a TV show so much in 9 episodes? And I can tell you why. It's because Suspect Behavior is not the original. And you know what, I'm completely fine with that. I want a change in scenery every once and a while, and Suspect Behavior has different characters that tackle the same subject matter. And that's cool.

So I'll be honest with you. Forest Whitaker as Unit Chief Sam Cooper freaked me out at first. I couldn't watch him on screen. But as time went by, the producers/writers toned him down a bit and figured out how to film him. And I've come to actually like Sam Cooper. He seems to me like the father of a very diverse family, and there is this air of mystery about him, about how his team seems to respect him greatly without much proof of why. And I kind of like not knowing. So who cares about his eye? I think it gives him more character, makes him seem more off kilter.

Apparently Janeane Garofalo is not liked by many. Personally, I don't care what an actor has done in the past. I just focus on what they bring to the character they're playing now. But we love, and I mean LOVE, judging and stereotyping actors on their previous roles. Example: Daniel Radcliff will always be Harry Potter.

But regardless of what Garofalo has done in the past I love the emotional depth that she brings to SSA Beth Griffith. There is this strong woman who has been kicked off one to many teams because of her stubborn personality. Her unwillingness to not be heard. But there is also this woman who knows that she is alone in the world. And knowing that, yet still functioning, is such a bittersweet tragedy. The last moments of 'Jane' were truly sad ones.

I have not had much experience with Matt Ryan, Michael Kelly, and Beau Garrett, and that's the way I like it.

First off, Matt Ryan as the ex-British Special Forces sniper turned SSA Mick Rawson brings experience to the team. He is the tactical expert. The typical arrogant man who is good at his job. But Mick is different. While being fully aware that he is an excellent sniper, he hates what that categorizes him as. He does not want to be alone for the rest of his life, and there's a vulnerability buried deep down.

I don't know where to put Michael Kelly as SSA John "Prophet" Simms. While his is an interesting background, he seemed to go through a character shift from the back door pilot/first episode to the others. He seems less angry at the world and more composed. And while all descriptions of his character lead him to be a religious man, we have not seen to much of that proved besides with his nick name. So I hope there is an episode down the road that will focus on that, because I think it has potential.

Then we are brought to Beau Garrett as SSA Gina LaSalle, who is quite possibly the most believable character on this show. Her area of expertise is the actual behavior of people, which is kind of ironic because all of the characters have to be good at this, but she seems to have an extra edge, especially when it comes to families. Which brings me to think that she had a broken family/childhood. There are always these long stares at the children of victims that has so much longing it makes me kind of sad. But that's about all that we know about her. Which is driving me insane. So you hear that producers! Give me more Gina LaSalle please! So all in all, there is a good solid structure for a decent show. The characters aren't too developed yet, but that's because they're only a couple episodes in. And I think Suspect behavior has done it's job because I want to know more. They've stirred the curiosity in me. And as a freshman show, that's what you want to do.
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