Really disappointed
8 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I had a lot of hope for this movie, but was sorely disappointed. It started out trying to do to much character development for too many characters that were quickly killed off. So I will use this as a transition to why I hate hand held work. It can be done well, but it was not done well here. I was not sure who was dying and never got my orientation with respect to the where the characters were with relationship to each other or who was getting shot or dying. So when people did die I felt nothing because I did not know who was dying. Also doing a bunch of character development before the action on a dark golf course does not help us identify the characters. So the biggest problems with that movie is that we do not feel any of the intensity because we do not care about the characters because we rarely know who we are looking at or who is doing what.

So here is one of my biggest complaints about the movie: the sound editing. There was also noise going on in the background. It was annoying to me. Maybe I am just getting too critical at this point in my life, but it did not match the music and did not allow for a sense of downtown for the characters which as a result detracted from any potential intensity for any possible situations.

It also feel into the problem that every sci-fi movie falls into and even use a terrible line at the end about how they need to tell everyone about how to destroy the aliens. So the fact that this ragtag group of individuals figure out how to destroy this alien race was really cliché and the whole execution. I hated how there was almost no security around the command center and that the enemies showed up in one direction in small packets of troops.

I would like to say the special effects were cool, but there only some of the shots of the city getting destroyed at the beginning. The aliens were terrible looking and I feel like we never got a good look at them. The idea of having them have their weapons part of their bodies was really cool, but I never really ever saw it and would have never known it, if they had never said it.

The under ground section was so cliché and at that point I was just annoyed.

I could keep going on about how this movie hit every sci-fi cliché and how each step was predictable. I won't. Not a good movie, but might be fun if you are looking for things to explode.
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