Unique-Awesome-Show-Watch it!
8 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am kind of shocked about your review Mr.Ron Mueller? You do realize if you had any brain at all when you're the chef nothing ever goes perfect ever and yelling is almost always involved period if you can't handle it well then you're in the wrong business. Also he is a perfectionist and wants things to go right because it's his reputation and his big shot and the people that work for him they're friends they know that even though he may go overboard sometimes he means well he just want's things go right. I know your next comment is oh well you don't have to treat people this way yadda yadda shut up get out of the kitchen because apparently it's too hot for you so go move a couch or something.

You also have to take in account from the show he doesn't have that much time to prep so if the time frame is true and he pulls it off it's pretty impressive and finally the stuff that man comes up with is genius stuff like that hasn't been done and he is making it happen it's unique and from the people whom are on there seem to enjoy it and have never tasted or had anything like it.

The Jokers final verdict is Ron Mueller is brain dead and this show is a 10 out of 10 go watch it!
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