Review of Spike

Spike (2008)
Spike is NOT a Scary Movie!
7 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I jumped at renting this movie, when it came available on DVD, the cover looked interesting and the synopsis sounded decent. Got news for everyone, the movie is basically a sociopath porcupine-human hybrid with romantic tendencies meets a straight-couple, a gay-couple, and decides to go Hamlet on them all, accidentally of course.

Seriously, I am totally blown away with all the 9-and-10 star ratings, which are by a preponderance of females, talking about it like it is the movie 'Ghost', or something. Heads up, it is no more scary than someone's brother in a Halloween suit, lurking outside his neighbor's daughter's window, promising not to kill her parents if she will only come out to him.

This movie gets a 3 for decent cinematography and somewhat decent acting. As for the movie script, continuity, or scares - rent Ghostbusters, it is scarier.

P.S.: This is what most honest people would rate this movie, and more- than-fair from a guy who finds Resident-Evil an excellent 'average- scare' zombie flick.
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