Low-budget, cubed
6 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The problem with making featurettes about movies-within-movies embedded in low-budget spoofs is that quality gets diluted by a factor of 9 (work it out with your own graphing calculator, if you don't want to take my word for it), and BEYOND INSIDE THE CAVE: THE MAKING OF CAVEALIEN 2 is no exception. Like most of the so-called "bonus" features on the DVD for MY NAME IS BRUCE, the emphasis here is on amusing the cast and crew with lame inside jokes, the paying public be darned. (In Bruce Campbell's defense, perhaps he thought the tacky nature of all the advertising material for his self-indulgent feature MY NAME IS BRUCE precluded any possibility of a paying public to begin with, beyond friends and relatives with whom he is in good standing.)

About the most useful tidbit to be gleaned from this exercise in solipsism is the preferred pronunciation of the titular term "Cavealiens," which apparently should be read as "Cah-VOLL-ians."
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