A film for b-movie war and Victor Mature fans and Lee Marvin completists.....
29 March 2011
This is a pretty average small-scale war-movie, in which a platoon of American soldiers show themselves to be tougher, braver and cleverer than the Greek soldiers they have to join forces with. It's standard stuff all round, Victor Mature agonises, his colleagues wisecrack and the Greeks redeem themselves by the end.

I waited thirty years to see this film because Lee Marvin was given third billing. But all he does in the film is sit at a radio, wearing glasses, with the occasional bit of insubstantial dialogue. In fact he should have got tenth or eleventh billing, but one assumes that, following his success in "The Big Heat", the publicity boys decided to 'use' his name.

I felt cheated, which probably accounts for my not liking the film a bit more.
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