They're back!
28 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Heinz, Dr Tiesinger, Paul are back!But in a different situation. Dr Tiesinger, played by Hans Moser is not married any more. Heinz, played by Wolf Aulbach Rety is no longer with Gertie and is single again.Paul the butler, played by Theo Ligens, is unemployed because of his being prone to accidents.The setting have changed it's no longer in Germany but in Spain.It wasn't shot in Spain but at Cinecitta studios at Moussillinis Rome. It's really hard to fake Rome being Spain especially if you see ruins Ancient ones. Theo gets into one accident over the other. Like when he ask a man on a raft, with a goat, if he can have a ride. He end up getting out of control in the raft and ends up hitting a house boat.Heinz is a writer and has a secretary Hella Jutner,played by Hannalore Scroth in her comedy roles who would star in ."Under the bridge",.Paul is begging for his job back. He later meets his friend Teisinger near the river fishing.Helping Tiesinger to catch a fish, leads him to fall in the river almost drowning.His ears end up being filled with water causing him to have hearing problems. Well Hienz gives him a chance and asked him to take money to the bank. so that Teisinger can take him to a human Dr to get his ears unplugged The doctor has trouble unplugging his ears. As they go to the bank they hear a police car noise. There a bank robbery and a bunch of black uniform Spanish police,speaking German, are out to stop it.But Paul who can't hear ends up in the bank while the guns are shooting off not noticing it while he makes a deposit Hans goes to the bank and warns him whats going on. Paul ends up giving the deposit tot the thief accidentally the deposit. HE and Moser ends up being caught up with the robbery. They are sent to the police with the robbers. After Moser unpops Theos ears, He clears up everything. But Theo lost Heinzes money. so he going to have to find away to get it back.A Spanish friend of Hienz suggest he does bull fighting. So Theo starts practicing it. But when he goes to the specially built Cinecitta bull ring, the laugh star when he creates a lot of mishaps in the bullring. Well that doesn't work out.Mean while Heinz is falling in love with his Secratery and they go for a hike and end up spending the night on a hill. The next day she leaves him taking his mountain shoes causing him to be bare footed and walking back down the hill with his socks. Hans and Theo discovered the robbers hiding in the apartment they are living in .So they disguise themselves as chimney sweepers to catch the thieves so they can get Heinzes money back. The next robbery is discovered to be in a hotel Where Heinz works as a head waiter, were his secretary has a room to type his work. He takes advantage of the job by sending them dinner.He then takes more advantage of his job by taking her to dancing at the club in the Hotel where all of a sudden the orchestra is playing Santa Lucia and is being sang, Then All of a sudden by a quick editing the orchestra is playing Spanish tango music. Paul and Tiesinger got the money and gives it to Hienz at the club. Tie sees the thief and he tells everyone to stop him.since he already called the police.This is better than the first one.
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