Sucker Punch (2011)
Love the movie, just a tad issue with the writing
26 March 2011
I love the movie. Great idea. I have been anticipating the movie since I first saw the preview last year with the music of Silversun Pickups.

The movie is about a girl who gets thrown into an insane asylum and how she internally deals with it. First - the movie plays a bit like a video game and maybe that is on purpose. But it is a very very cool video game and I wanted these scenes to last a little longer. The problem I had was that the director didn't string the scenes all that well together. It's noticeable but it is minor. I see how it is very heavily influence from Watchmen. SECOND- The music for the movie is ON POINT!! The director not only choose the music, and some of the music may sound familiar, but he has different artists singing. Music and visuals works well together. I can tell you, it is as different of a movie that I expected it to be, so that is a good thing. I just wish the writing was a tad bit better... this movie felt short like it was missing something. But I really like people who go for it and who don't make cookie cutter movies. And this movie is FAR removed from being cookie cutter.
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