2012: Doomsday (2008 Video)
Wow... what a terrible movie.
19 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was beyond awful. A score of one is way too generous. Put a little Mayan legend, Bible prophecy, really bad acting, a scientist(of sorts) and a perpetually grinning mom in a blender, spin it on high for an hour and fifteen minutes and you've got yourself a movie about... something. Yes I watched the whole thing, just to see if they could maintain the level terribleness to the end.

Some highlights:

The scenes of the interior of the ambulance were reminiscent of the cockpit in "Plan 9 From Outer Space". Someone put them together from a flawed memory, or had never actually seen the inside of an ambulance. They may have seen the inside of a plumbers truck and confused it with an ambulance.

The tiny airplane that was able to fly right through an apocalyptic tornado, land at a peaceful suburban airport in the middle of apocalypticville and appear as though it had just been detailed for an air show.

A ride with mom. A mom who never blinks and creeps you out with her demonic stare, and nauseating platitudes. She didn't get raptured a second too soon.

There's a scene where the couple, whose names you have no reason to want to know, are having a deep conversation about nothing of major importance and the camera keeps whirling around them. I got the impression that the cameraman had always wanted to do one of these shots and didn't want or know how to stop it. He almost didn't. He may have run out of film. I got motion sickness... really.

I should mention the car that is noisily pelted with very large hail stones, but never actually gets a dent or a strike by a hail stone.

Oh, and the typewriter. Every few minutes you would be updated on the hours left until dooms day. An annoying typed update.

This was a film that made very little sense from the beginning through the middle, and escalated to the point of making absolutely no sense by it's end. I don't think this was one of the films that will gain a reputation for being so bad that it's good. It's just bad. It should have been "left behind"... in the canister.
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