Uh you don't to see it to know its bad.
12 March 2011
So guess what?

I didn't see it of coarse but my unfaithful Partner in went ahead to see the Damn movie thinking that he had the balls to see it and review it and this is what he told me was"it was really good"

I looked at him and said"seriously? how are you not gay by now?"

then he says the same thing over and over again"well i'm not gonna be fake and give it a bad review because its bieber,plus people on IMDb are completely biased on movies anyways so i stand corrected!"

I looked at him with great disappointment and sorrow why because i slapped him for calling IMDb users fake, Plus he's a obsessed with this "bieber fever"bull crap saying that i have it, in fact i normally don't talk about Bieber because me and him fight constantly over the little fag so let it be that i don't even know about what the hell bieber is.

In my opinion Everybody's got opinions for everything, we live in America so no matter what there's always gonna be something to argue about, but in this case we all agree that this movie is gay,pointless and should be on TV and not in theaters.

People you know what i mean, this movie is loud,obnoxious and very pointless i mean the only reason to skip is because you'll be watching a little girl singing for an hour and a half

Just skip it.
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