Southland: Graduation Day (2011)
Season 3, Episode 10
Season Finale Somewhat Fizzles ***
9 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Somewhat disappointing season finale to a show that has really earned my respect during the current season.

It's graduation day for the probationary officers and we see a potpourri of events during that day. Regina King's partner finds out about her son and Regina and is not exactly overjoyed.

The show depicts the routine events of the day forever highlighting the dangers of police work. We see a kidnapping, leaps over the roof, a prostitute strung out and all other activities.

What becomes most poignant is that our training officer finally admits that he has a major addiction problem regarding back pain killers. It's also nice seeing Danny become a father and name his child after his deceased partner. His surprise announcement regarding his work is amazing, but he is doing it since he feels he can give much more of himself in his new capacity.

Looking forward to next season with "Southland."
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