Charlie Noades R.I.P (2011 Video)
Feel Good - from it's toes!
2 March 2011
A great feel good film. I was pleasantly surprised the same star/writer and Director pulled off a great comedy after the superb GOING OFF BIG TIME. They didn't repeat a trick - they performed a new one. This is what an industry needs - established teams like Fitzmaurice/Doyle: produciton entities creating consistently great product, not one-off 'classics' and the odd 'the Brits Are Coming' Oscar Nom. I've seen Charlie Noades twice now and it grows with each view - looking forward to the next offering from Fitzmaurice & Co. Despite their last film being crime/gangster, it was a pleasure to see a British film not trying to imitate the Americans or fall into the usual genres; Gangster, sloppy cheap Sci-Fi or almost-good-enough-for-TV-underdog-meets-girl Football flick.
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