Ghost Rider (2007)
Could someone please tell me what the point of this movie is?
6 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Bad CG, bad acting, a plot line that just doesn't seem to exist, characters that are uninspiring out of the box. Why? WHY? I just wasted two hours of my life and I want it back. Spoiler- "Look into my eyes, LOOK INTO MY EYES !!" Well I did look into your butane lighter CG eyes and they are stupid. Can someone please let the Devil out of the Cage? Every time Nicolas Cage gave that soulful, ponderous, wrinkled brow look, I just wanted to hurl. BTW - Who was the Ghost at the end (Fonda) supposed to be? By the time I saw him I was ready to immolate myself with gasoline. And after being taken over by the Devil, Cage finishes with a kiss at sunset and Sam Elliot posts a final voice overlay in his typical "I'm the Marlboro Man" style. Ohh, gulp. I just vomited in my mouth again.
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