The 7th Hunt (2009)
Not good
1 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I love watching indie/low budget horror flicks, but this I couldn't even finish watching in one sitting.

No redeeming qualities whatsoever. I know how hard it is to get these made, then distributed, but it simply wasn't that original or had any likable characters. Just victims and killers. We learn very little about the would be victims and then, they just start getting tortured.

I'm sure some folks will like this, but the moment the one girl gets stabbed while helplessly being tied up I stopped watching AND I never do that. Honest. I did finish the movie the next day, but it got so unoriginal that I fast-forwarded most of it just to see who would make it till the end.

Sorry to be so harsh on this film but it just wasn't scary or entertaining. Just my opinion.
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