Weird melange that doesn't seem to know its own journey or destination
19 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Lovers of Hate is a strange drama about a situation that begs for catharsis, but never delivers. Tension builds throughout, without payoff. Strangely watchable, but uncomfortable and unsatisfying.

Rudy and Paul are brothers. Rudy, the older, has wrecked his life. Paul, the younger, is very successful, a success (in a tangential way) built on contributions from Rudy. Paul has also harbored feelings for Rudy's estranged wife Diana for years, and with Rudy out of the way, he makes his move, inviting her to his chalet in Park City Utah for the weekend. Unknown to him, Rudy had decided to drive up and visit Park City at the same time and breaks into Paul's house in order to surprise his brother. When Paul shows up with Diane, Rudy decides to play the ghost rather than reveal himself. He conceals himself in the too-large house, listening to their conversations and leaving little hints as to his presence.

While this sounds like a strong build-up to something cathartic - either a dramatic confrontation or a murder spree - we never get either. The characters don't seem to have any arc. Rudy arrives a bitter loser - does his experience hearing his brother and ex-wife candidly discuss him (between sessions of knocking boots) change him? Not that I could tell. Paul is incredibly underwritten - all we ever really discover about him is that he is wealthy, has a treadmill he runs on in the morning, and has a thing for Diane. Diane comes the closest to taking full form because she is conflicted about what she is doing. I had mixed feelings about the performances - Heather Kafka does the best job of making her character sympathetic. Doubek as Rudy mostly cringes in corners making faces and letting his three-day beard and unkempt hair act for him, and Karpovsky never imbues Paul with any recognizable attributes other than a desire have sex with Diane. The brothers are so wimpy that watching the film became something of a chore. Another thing that bothered me was the casting - Karpovsky and Doubek do not look anything like brothers. Would it have killed the producers to at least find actors who resembled one another? For all of that it is still an oddly watchable film, primarily because the fuse on what must be a final explosion continues to burn. But then it never goes off. Several of the scenes have a strong horror-film flavor as you can feel Rudy lurking just outside of the shot, but there are no horror movie thrills because Rudy remains inert. That's not a bad thing - Rudy isn't a killer - but it does pose several questions that the film completely fails to answer:

1) What was Rudy attempting to achieve by continuing to stick around? He commits some minor mischief, but aside from that he never acts, he just sits there and hears the people he is closest to say things about him that we already knew from the first ten minutes of the film. If he is going to be the hero - and the film is told from his point of view - then his actions to change himself are what will make this journey of interest. But he never does anything.

2) What was Paul really trying to accomplish with Diane? His attempts at romance with her are only modestly successful. Is this really about getting back at Rudy, which is hinted at?

3) What is the result of this meandering journey? The final shot of the film is perplexing to say the least.

The canned shot-on-HD-video made the film rather unappealing to watch. Because it was shot in a ski chalet with giant windows in winter, daytime shots at the house has an overexposed washed-out feel due to the snow reflections. Shots in dark interiors or at night have a red-hued washed out feeling as well. The exterior shots in the mountains look nice.

My recommendation is that this is not ready for prime time - there is an interesting movie to be made here, but the writer-director has only uncovered about one-third of it.
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