The Time Tunnel: Rendezvous with Yesterday (1966)
Season 1, Episode 1
Outstanding hour of TV; could have been a movie
19 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing that struck me when re-watching this was the great production values. This was a very, very high quality show. They *really* spent the money on this, and you can tell. The special effects in the opening minutes are *very* impressive, as the Senator tours the facility.

And I'll note in passing I've never forgotten the Senator's car's "entrance" from the desert into Project Tic-Toc base (I saw the show when it premiered in 1966). Once you see it, you'll know what I mean.

Of course, production values don't mean much if the story & acting don't work, but in this case they do. The story is very plausible (given its sci-fi background), and the acting is good. Nice to see Gary Merrill and Michael Rennnie here, along with the regular cast members.

***OKAY,HERE'S THE SPOILER ALERT: So you know the story involves the travelers arriving on the Titanic. Some have argued that the should not have tried to change history by saving the ship. But in fact, our heroes *do* change history. The Captain tells them that if not had been for their arrival, he would not have ordered the lifeboats made ready, and thus no one would have survived. But he says that he believes in God, and considers their appearance a miracle of sorts, and as a result, at least there will be 750 survivors from the tragedy.

By the way, back to production values: not only is the TT facility well-done, but so are the sets for the Titanic. They look quite similar to those for Cameron's 1997 epic film (though clearly not as expensive, of course), and that tells you how good they are (although a few sets are rather obviously sets, but then, this is a TV production).

Overall, very good.
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