Review of Blood Line

Blood Line (2009)
Pretty bad..
15 February 2011
There are a couple of things that save this movie from being the total wreck that it could've been. One is that a couple of the actors seem to have some potential, the other is that the story is so bad in parts that it's actually amusing.

I honestly don't understand the positive reviews here; the only explanation possible is that the friends of the cast and crew posted them. There is absolutely no way that a serious movie goer could possibly give this film anything above a 5 (and that's being ridiculously generous).

The story, from beginning to end, is filled with clichés. A wannabe mobster gets in with a local boss in an attempt to find out what happened to his father (not at all because he's interested in being a criminal). The ensuing downward spiral affects his life/friends in a negative manner, the wannabe is torn apart, etc...

The script was probably written in one day by a guy who loves gangster films but has no idea how to actually make one. It seems a checklist was followed to put all the right elements together: Wiseguy accents - check, Wiseguy bad attitudes - check, Offers you can't refuse - check, Racist tension with blacks - check, Mob war - check, Innocent victims - check. Problem is, nobody thought to put a check-mark next to "Smart story" or "Tight script".

I don't want to comment on the production value too much because I believe that movies can be well-made without any special effects, and that a good story can always make the viewer forget about the gritty, low-budget appearance. In this film though, because the story is as terrible as it is, it was hard not to notice the poor audio, shoddy camera work, and an overall feel that it was filmed with a Handycam. The locations are threadbare and you get the feeling that friends and cast offered their homes, backyards, and a couple of bars as locations.

I was taken in by these reviews that have absolutely no merit. I hope mine will bring a much needed reality check to the table. It's a bore film, don't waste your time on it.
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