Screaming 10 year old girls will be in heaven. Anyone else....no....
14 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK. So I walk in the movie, and Every time the great Biebs comes on the screen, I hear the most annoying, loud, and irritating screaming little girls who somehow worship and adore this boy. 90% of the theater were young girls who thought this guy was the "hottest person alive." So annoying.

And onto the movie, it is a waste of time, just watching his annoying confident face, and people like Usher talking about his talent. I hope so much you wont pay 10 bucks to see this crap. Really. The kid is just annoying. Please just stay away from this movie. Unless your a 10 year old girl, this is an utter waste of time.

1/10. No, 0/10, because of the crowd.
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