bad really bad
8 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Stewart st John why don't you give it up - just last week i reviewed dark metropolis and now this piece of crap pops up made a year earlier you can't blame the actors except i wonder why bailey chase and eric scott woods would turn around and make another crappy movie with an even crappier director both actors have been seen in numerous television shows so they really aren't bad actors and Mr St John very well might have hurt their careers with this souless boring piece of garbage the script should be used to wrap fish it couldn't stink any more than this movie i am lost for words trying to find anything good to say about it but i can't, all i can feel is anger for having my time wasted trying to be the ever optimist that i try to be but there is nothing optimistic about this film even though it is only 38 minutes long don't waste your time Mr St John why don't you go back to making power rangers
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