Mass Effect 2 (2010 Video Game)
Good, but even less RPG and more -fi instead of sci-
5 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, ME1 was a view to behold. With some flaws (that Bioware forgot to learn from developing KOTOR), but, in overall, worthy of the title.

Now, here in ME2 we get similar production standards, but absolute disregard to the original. Mere title and some cameos is all that a true fan of the original would appreciate.

The change of pacing is a laughable attempt at action - not enough variety; everything boils down to tight corridors, linear paths, cover, shooting, shooting from cover, getting stuck in cover (clunky consolized minimalistic controls).

The talking sequences are well executed, but the writers clearly fell asleep and didn't pay attention to the slightest detail of how the universe was set up previously. This brings us to the various changes in story that make no sense: thermal clips, armor, inventory, exploration, mission goals, overall story.

Talking about story, a complete disregard to previously set up conflicts is the dumbest of them all - Shepard, and working for Cerberus? That's just something that would never happen! This is just one of the big amounts of railroading and lack of weight in the story. Not to mention Shepard's resurrection. ANY survival of tissue after planetary collision is borderline impossible. Not to mention preserving the brain. On this note, the game disregards as to what is possible in reality even more than ever. That is not what the first game was about.

Talking about characters who were supposed to be the focus. Seriously, you gain loyalty BEFORE someone joins your team. Whose idea was it that Shepard could just come up to them and literally say a line or two to convince the guys to join him. Not to mention that the surprise of potential character revelations were spoiled by having the full list of crew mates before you even do the first step.

Seriously, I thought Reapers need stopping; not laws of the world need bending or daddy issues solving. The amounts of rage to what they did to a game that felt so authentic and turned it into another GoW clone with elements of Mass Effect are unspeakably large.

Btw, the very first scene with the death of main character is one of the worst cases of railroading the story. No context, no nothing. Just Shepard's death. It's not the way how to build up tension... Why couldn't the planet be a mission. Why couldn't he land when it turns out it is under attack, this time by a different enemy. The whole "working for the bad guys" plot is redundant and takes away all the surprise.
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