Review of Innocence

Star Trek: Voyager: Innocence (1996)
Season 2, Episode 22
Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Vulcan
2 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Eating ice cream and jumping on the bed is illogical..."

So says Tuvok as maternal caretaker to a bunch of children stranded on a lonely planet. This is a nice juxtaposition of character and situation, and the episode never becomes too silly or mawkish. This is an excellent Vulcan premise that might even make the TOS writers jealous... Spock would have been great here.

The other nice thing about this episode is the final reveal: it is as brilliant and original as the best of TOS, giving me the feeling that Star Trek's ideals might very well be alive and well beneath the bleak darkness of Voyager. Good job, guys...

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