Review of V.I.P.

V.I.P. (1998–2002)
Possibly Guilty but Certainly Harmless Pleasure
31 January 2011
The trivia feature of the box set I've just purchased says (through subtitles) that this series was a great favourite of Jim Jarmusch. He may have liked it for the same reasons I do: it's a self-parody that is meant to be enjoyed as such. The series kept to the spirit of fun by not over-indulging in violence: there were at least as many kicks and punches as bullets flying, and those bullets never drew blood. The villains were take-offs on stereotypical baddies; the plots, while un-original, were again enjoyable as take-offs. The show had substantial sex appeal, though I confess (especially being Canadian)that I don't find Pamela Anderson that compelling physically. She does (or did) keep in shape, though, and can look good in hot pants. And that's part of what made V.I.P. enjoyable: good-looking, well-dressed people getting themselves into and out of ridiculous situations.
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