This World: Gypsy Child Thieves (2009)
Season 6, Episode 4
Sad depiction of the Roma culture
28 January 2011
I thought this film was horribly biased and racist against the Gypsies. It's presumption is that a few bad apple equal a rotten tree. There is absolutely no mention of the racism that the Gypsy peoples face throughout the world that forces them to struggle on a day to day basis. This film puts all the blame on the Gypsies and the Romanian people! The movie also neglects the impact of poverty on crime in other cultures. It was quick to judge the Gypsies on crimes but made no comparison to other crime rate statistics based on age, race, or even location. It simply made Gypsies out to be the only people who steal. Lastly it condemned the Roma for their exploitation of children, "forcing the children to go out and steal for them", without considering how much cultures all over the world exploit their children by forcing them into acting, singing, modeling, or in some cultures, working in industries and sweatshops. I absolutely recommend skipping this film, and I believe the filmmakers should be ashamed of themselves.
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