Good Characters, Solid Story
27 January 2011
Too many people get to far into sub plot, development, etc., and miss a fun movie with a good story. Mystery Alaska is just that, a fun movie with a good story. It's a plausible story, developed on real people with real personalities.

The Boys of Winter take on The New York Rangers in a game that will take place on a pond instead of a rink. It's all about speed and passing, which eliminates the prima-donna antics and technicalities that usually accompany pro-sports in general. The plot isn't too fantastic, and stays grounded in reality.

Characters of Note: Skank Martin - Local 30 something that "fornicates and plays hockey because they're the two most fun things in cold weather". He also runs his tongue a little reckless...

Tree - Big oaf with bigger heart. He's a bit simple minded, but he checks like a freight train.

Judge Burns - Tough guy with some inner demons he's fighting, but there's a heart in there somewhere if he can just find it underneath the ashes....

One complaint: What with the constant use of the phrase, "For God sakes?" It was a bit distracting.
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