Out of focus
26 January 2011
Some movies seem to have evolved into finished product that's quite different from original script. This is one of them. I'll bet at one time, as writer's brainchild, this was a comedy-drama about a young woman trying to find her own place in the world, beset with oppressive upbringing and surrounded by shark-swarm of modern urban reality. As that, there are some scenes that sizzle, like the heroine's confrontation with her mother. Sigrid Thornton has long been a favorite of mine - a gutsy, resourceful actress who always manages to rise above or enhance her material. In that scene of familial combat (there are none more savage in our lives ), this feels like a completely different movie. ...A better one.

I think sometime pre-production or even after filming began, "Halloween" was released to bang-up box office, and some brilliant producer or studio exec got a brainstorm to turn this into a splatter/horror thriller. The result is a schizoid mess, and the "Godfather" shock moment is practically unforgivable. Some fine actors, led by Thornton, are utterly wasted. A few nice bits of drama, and some drolly funny send-up of the self-obsessed fashion business, don't make this one worth the effort.
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