Don't let the rating fool you
25 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As I said in the title of this review don't let the rating of this movie fool you, it's a good and I mean really good B-series zombie movie...

The title made me not want to see it... made me expect rap all the way trough the movie... Well there was very little rap involved and the music was so well chosen it blended into the movie in the most outstanding way (personally I think that if you can watch a movie without the music striking you it mean it was well chosen to fit the mood of the movie).

I was expecting mindless gangstas who are barely more intelligent than the zombies but again I was wrong the main characters are well developed and act like real human beings and not like wannabe rap stars who live for their ''beef'' (wich made me very happy cause as a zombie flick fan I'm fed up with black guys who are either stupid gangstas or badassery made human with barely any personality).

Plus this movie has every thing that so many other zombie movies lack, a good explanation of what caused the zombie outbreak, a conversation about zombie movies in a zombie flick, gangstas that put aside their ''beef'' when they have to survive, just enough stupid stuff to make it funny but not to much, just enough badassery and to top it all decent actors.
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